

the cup of Life(生命之杯)

this is the one(这便是它)

Now is the time(就是现在)

don't ever stop(不要停下)

push it along(奋力向前)

Gotta be strong(自强自坚)

push it along(奋力向前)

Right to the top(到世界之巅)

the feelin' in your soul(心中热烈的冲动)

Is gonna take control(就要将你掌控)

Nothing can hold you back(只要真心追求)

If you really want it(则没有什么可阻挡你)

I see it in your eyes(你热切的眼神中)

You want the cup of life(对奖杯的渴求在翻涌)

Now that the day is here(就是今天)

Gotta go and get it(为得到它而上场)

do you really want it ...Yeah!(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))

do you really want it ...Yeah!(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))

do you really want it ...Yeah!(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))

do you really want it ...Yeah!(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))

here we go! Ale, Ale, Ale!(共同出发,走走走)

Go, go, go! Ale, Ale, Ale!(前进前进前进,走走走)

tonight's the night we're gonna celebrate(就在今晚,我们将要庆祝)

the cup of life... the world is ours today!(生命之杯,世界属于我们)


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全球穿越,全人类被投放在一个塔防游戏里求生。 【被黑雨淋到感染概率:99%】 【黑暗来临外面怪物翻倍!光可一定范围内趋退怪物!】 人们能做的只有防守!建设各种防御设施,抵御野兽,暗精灵,钢铁怪人。 陈梦河一醒来就发现自己可以看见别人看不见的提示面板,在各种提示下快速发育。在别人还为防守发愁时就已经馋上怪兽的身子,打算反守为攻! 这只怪兽是红烧好,还是清蒸好呢? ———— 在这个世界连黑暗与白天都
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