like to eat?”
“hello, a fruit salad, blue muse, cappuccino, black forest cake and strawberry cake.。”锦瑟也跟着点餐说道,丝毫不理会这些玩意。
“ok, say, what are you doing in the white kingdom? !”这个服务员下一秒就把手枪对准锦瑟,而周围的人也同时掏出来枪对准锦瑟两个人,龙华年紧张看着眼前这一幕。
“hey, since you can't get me food properly, why don't you lie down for a while?”说完锦瑟也不给其他人反应时间,直接抬脚就踢飞了那个黑人遛街子男人。
“Say, where are the Aaltos?”锦瑟抓住旁边男人的脖子问道,男人双脚离地无助挣扎着。
“Ahem ... I ... I don't know ... Ahem ...”男人双手抓住锦瑟手腕,试图掰开锦瑟手,但是丝毫未动,两个人就这么僵持着。
“oh, beautiful woman, don't be so impulsive.。”另一个身材魁梧的男人此时走了出来笑眯眯说道。
锦瑟也跟着眯了眯眼睛说道:“Yeah, where's Aalto? my brother and I have heard the name of Aalto, and we want to worship the big boss.”
“boss, he is working in the white court now. why don't the beautiful lady and this man go together?”